'Cartogrophy of Darkness' is a transclusive, collective research platform dedicated to exploring universalisms and the unity of knowledge in our highly obfuscated, crisis-ridden age. The platform is comprised of a triad of spaces: a map, a repository and a periodical.

«خريطة الظّلام» هي منصّة بحثيّة تشاركيّة تستقصي مفاهيم العالميّة والاتحاد المعرفي من منطلق الزمكانيّة الآنية، المتأزمة والمبهمة. تتكون المنصّة من ثلاثيّة حيزيّة تضمُّ خريطة وحاوية وسلسلة.

Invoke Genocide Convention Contact List


KEY:* = has made accusations of genocide or has referenced risk thereof (note if cited in SA ICJ application)
‘ = strongly critical of Israel
Surnames bolded where applicable (H.E. = “His/Her Excellency”; can address as “Dear Madame/Mr. Ambassador X”)
Sample letters & instructions found here: https://husseini.substack.com/p/for-the-new-year-global-solidarity and https://dark.society.systems/sa/
Language of correspondence is English unless otherwise noted
SPANISH translation of letter can be found in the link above. We are working on the French translation will post ASAP. If you are able to assist with this, please contact us!
We are regularly monitoring events and updating contacts to be more effective, so please check back regularly and stay in touch via Sam’s substack
Suggestions/questions? Email: lalleshwariyoga@gmail.com



Country Name Email Phone Notes/Other Stance on Palestine Party to Genocide Convention?
AFGHANISTAN* Mr. Naseer Ahmed Faiq, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the UN in NY info@afghanistan-un.org


212-972-1212 Fax 212-972-1216
633 Third Avenue, 27th Floor, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide (Foreign Minister Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Nasir Ahmad Andisha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United
Nations in Geneva


41 22 731 16 16 Rue Varembé, 3
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 731 45 10
ALBANIA H.E. Mr. Ferit Hoxha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the UN In NY mission.newyork@mfa.gov.al


Fax 646-390-3337
320 East 79th, Street New York, NY 10075
– Voted for ceasefire; has not made statement on genocide.
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mrs. Vasilika Hysi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the United Nations in Geneva mission.geneve@mfa.gov.al 41 22 731 11 43 Rue du Môle 32
1201 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 738 81 56
AZERBAIJAN H.E. Mr. Yashar Aliyev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN mission@azerbaijanun.org 212-371-2559
Fax 646-738-6143
633 Third Avenue, Suite 3210
New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Galib Israfilov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN in Geneva geneva@mission.mfa.gov.az 41 22 901 18 15 Route des Fayards 237
1290 VersoixFax Number
+41 22 901 18 44
BELGIUM’ H.E. Mr. Philippe Kridelka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Belgium to the UN in NY newyorkun@diplobel.fed.be 212-378-6300
Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-681-7618
One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 41st Floor, New York, NY 10017

– Highly critical of Israel’s war crimes
– Belgian officials are prosecuting nationals serving in IDF for war crimes
– Ministers have called for visa bans for extremist settlers in the West Bank
BELIZE* H.E. Mr. Carlos Fuller, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Belize to the UN in NY blzun@belizemission.com


212-986-1240 Fax 212-593-0932
675 Third Avenue, Suite 1911, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide.
– Cut dipolmatic ties w/ Israel & recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv.
H.E. Ms. Lois Michele Young, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Belize to the UN in Geneva blzun@belizemission.com


BENIN H.E. Mr. Marc Hermanne Gninadoou Araba, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Benin to the UN onu.newyork@gouv.bj


212-684-1339 646-790-3556
355 Lexington Avenue, Unit 14B, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Angelo Dan, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Benin to the UN in Geneva secretariat@benin-ambassade.fr 33 (0) 145.00.9882 87 Avenue Victor Hugo
75116 Paris, FranceFax Number
+33 (0) 1 45 01 92 02
+33 (0) 1 45 01 82 02
BOLIVIA* H.E. Mr. Diego Pary Rodriguez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the UN in New York missionboliviaun@gmail.com 212-682-8132 Language of correspondence = SPANISH

Fax 212-687-4642
801 Second Avenue, 4th Floor, Suite 402, New York, NY 10017

*Called it genocide (President Luis Arce)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application – made referral for genocide to ICC jointly with Embassy of South Africa in the Hague on 11/17/23
– Cut dipolmatic ties w/ Israel & recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv.
Maira Mariela Macdonal Alvarez, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United Nations in Geneva contact@mission-bolivia.chOpens 41 22 908 07 17 Rue de Lausanne 139 (6th floor)
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 908 07 22
BRAZIL* H.E. Mr. Ronaldo Costa Filho, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UN in NY distri.delbrasonu@itamaraty.gov.br (212) 372-2600 Fax 212-371-5716
747 3rd Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide (President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as BRICS member who met to discuss the genocide on 11/21/23
– Accused Israel of “terrorism”.
H.E. Mr. Tovar Da Silva Nunes, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UN in Geneva delbrasgen@itamaraty.gov.br (+41) (0)22 332 50 00 Chemin Camille-Vidart 15 (6th Floor)
1202 Geneva
Fax Number
+41 22 910 07 51
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Contact form (click the privacy agreements to get to form): https://falepr.presidencia.gov.br/form/
BURKINA FASO H.E. Mr. Seydou Sinka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the UN miperfaso.ny@burkina-onu.org 212-308-4720
Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-308-4690
633 Third Avenue, Suite 31A, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10017

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
S.E. Madame Aminata Ouattara-Cisse, Représentante Permanente Adjointe (Deputy Permanent Representatitve) aminatacisse@burkina-onu.org


1 212-308-4720 https://www.un.int/burkinafaso/staff
CHILE’ H.E. Mrs. Paula Narváez Ojeda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Chile to the UN in NY chile.un@minrel.gob.cl 917-322-6800 Language of correspondence = SPANISH

Fax 917-322-6890, 917-322-6891
One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 40th Floor, New York, NY 10017

– Submitted complaint to ICC accusing Israel of war crimes. Encourage them to take the next step and file with the ICJ.
– Cut dipolmatic ties w/ Israel & recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv.
– President Gabriel Boric called it “collective punishment”
H.E. Mrs. Claudia Fuentes Julio, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Chile to the UN in Geneva misginchile@minrel.gob.cl 41 22 919 88 00 Rue de Moillebeau 58 (4th Floor)
1209 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 734 52 97
CHINA H.E. Mr. Zhang Jun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the to the UN in NY chinesemission@yahoo.com 212-655-6100 350 East 35th Street
New York, NY 10016
Fax 212-634-7626
212-634-0042 (Permanent Representative’s Office)
– Judge sits on the ICJ
– Allegedly blocking exports/shipments to Israel
H.E. Mr. Chen Xu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN in Geneva chinamission_gva@mfa.gov.cn 41 22 879 56 40 Chemin de Surville 11
1213 Petit-LancyFax +41 22 793 7014
COLOMBIA* President Petro Gustavo* https://gustavopetro.co/contacto/ Contact form does not load well in USA *Called it genocide (President Gustavo Petro)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– Cut dipolmatic ties w/ Israel & recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv..
Former President Ivan Duque http://www.ivanduque.com/contact/ President 2018-2022, still politically active
Ministra, Cancilleria Colombia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) contactenos@cancilleria.gov.co (57-601) 3814000 Fax (57-1) 3814747
H.E. Mrs. Leonor Zalabata Torres, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the Permanent Mission to the UN in New York colombia@colombiaun.org 212.355.7776 Fax 212-371-2813
140 East 57th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10022
H.E. Mr. Gustavo Gallon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the UN in Geneva donu.suiza@cancilleria.gov.co 41 22 798 45 54
41 22 798 45 55
Chemin du Champ-d’Anier 17-19
1209 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 791 07 87
COMOROS H.E. Mr. Issimail Chanfi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Union of the Comoros to the UN comoros@un.int 212-750-1637 Language of correspondence = FRENCH

866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 495, New York, NY 10017

– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Cited in SA ICJ application – made referral for genocide to ICC jointly with Embassy of South Africa in the Hague on 11/17/23
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Sultan Chouzour, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Union of the Comoros to the UN in Geneva missioncomores.onug@gmail.com 41 22 733 68 66 Avenue de France 23
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 733 55 29
CUBA* H.E. Mr. Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the UN in NY cuba_onu@cubanmission.com 212-689-7215
Language of correspondence = SPANISH

Fax 212-779-1697, 212-689-9073
315 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10016

*Called it genocide (President Miguel Diaz-Canel)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
H.E. Mr. Juan Antonio Quintanilla Román, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cuba to the UN in Geneva embacuba@ch.embacuba.cu


41 22 758 94 30 Chemin de Valérie 100
1292 Chambésy, SwitzerlandFax Number
+41 22 758 94 31
ECUADOR’ H.E. Mr. Hernán Pérez Loose, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN in NY onunewyork@cancilleria.gob.ec 212-935-1680
Language of correspondence = SPANISH

Fax 212-935-1835
801 Second Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017

– Cut diplomatic ties & recalled ambassador to Tel Aviv
– Ambassador Loose praised statements of UN Secretary General Gutteres, condemned collective punishment, cited 8 decades of occupation, starvation, etc
H.E. Mr. Cristian Espinosa Cañizares, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ecuador to the UN in Geneva onuginebra@cancilleria.gob.ec 41 22 732 49 55 15, Chemin Camille-Vidart
1202 Geneva, Switzerland
EGYPT* H.E. Mr. Osama Mahmoud Abdelkahalek Mahmoud, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the UN in NY mission@egyptmissionny.com


212-503-0300 Fax 212-949-5999
304 East 44th Street, New York, NY 10017
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Has muddy relations w/ all parties.
– In UN, has condemned collective punishment, starvation, forcible displacement (UN reps are more vocal about supporting Palestine than govt itself)
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Ahmed Ihab Abdelahad Gamaleldin, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva mission.egypt@bluewin.ch 41 22 731 65 30 261, Route de Lausanne
1292 Chambesy
FRANCE H.E. Mr. Nicolas de Rivière, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of France to the UN in NY france@franceonu.org 212-702-4900 Language of correspondence = FRENCH

245 East 47th Street, 44th Floor New York, NY 10017

– Risk of entering a Declaration in favor of Israel- very important to advocate and voice public support for South Africa’s submission to prevent this! Ratification
H.E. Mr. Jérôme Bonnafont, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of France to the UN in Geneva missionfrance.geneve-dfra@diplomatie.gouv.fr 41 22 758 91 11 Villa “Les Ormeaux”, Route de Pregny 36
1292 Chambésy
Fax 41 22 758 91 37
GABON H.E. Mr. Michel Xavier Biang, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Gabonese Republic to the UN info@gabonunmission.com 212-686-9720 Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 917-675-7485
244 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10022

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Ms. Mireille Sarah Nzenze, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Gabonese Republic to the UN at Geneva mission.gabon@gabon-onug.ch 41 22 731 68 69 Avenue de France 23 (3rd Floor, Level R)
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 731 68 47
GAMBIA H.E. Mr. Lamin B. Dibba, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of The Gambia to the UN gambia_un@hotmail.com 212-949-6640 Fax 212-856-9820
336 East 45th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Muhammadou M.O. Kah, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of The Gambia to the UN in Geneva info@thegambiamissiongeneva.ch 41 22 715 0930 45A – 47A Rue de Lausanne (5th floor)
1201 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 715 0939
GERMANY H.E. Ms. Antje Leendertse, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN in NY info@new-york-un.diplo.de 212-940-0400 871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Fax 212-940-0402 (General)
212-610-9709 (Administrative)
– Risk of entering a Declaration in favor of Israel- very important to advocate and voice public support for South Africa’s submission to prevent this! Accession
H.E. Mrs. Katharina Stasch, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the UN at Geneva info@genf.diplo.de 41 22 730 11 11 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28C
1209 Geneva
P.O. Box 101, 1211 Geneva 19
GREECE H.E. Mr. Evangelos Sekeris, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN in NY grdel.un@mfa.gr 212-888-6900
Fax 212-888-4440
866 Second Avenue, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10017-2905
– PM called Israel’s actions “disproportionate” and expresses concerns for civilians
– Have proposed opening maritime corridor for relief to Gaza
H.E. Mr. Ioannis Ghikas, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN in Geneva grdel.gva@mfa.gr 41 22 909 89 40 Rue du Léman 4
1201 Geneva
P.O. Box 1843
1211 Geneva 1Fax Number
+41 22 732 21 50
GUINEA Mr. Alassane Conte, Minister Counsellor for the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guinea to the UN missionofguinea.un@gmail.com 212-687-8115 Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-687-8248
140 E. 39th St, New York, NY 10016

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
Mr. Mohamed Nassir Camara, Minister-Counsellor to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guinea to the UN in Geneva mission.ambagui@gmail.com 41 22 731 65 55 Route de Pré-Bois 20
(Immeuble ICC-Bâtiment H, 3rd floor)
1215 Geneva
Fax +41 22 731 65 54
GUINEA BISSAU H.E. Mr. Samba Sané, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to the UN guinebissauonu@gmail.com 646-590-3474
Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-896-8313
336 E. 25th St. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10017

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
HONDURAS* H.E. Ms. Mary Elizabeth Flores, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Honduras to the UN in New York Ny.honduras@hnun.org 212-752-3370
Language of correspondence = SPANISH

Fax 212-223-0498
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 417, New York, NY 10017

*Called it genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cut diplomatic ties & recalled ambassador to Tel Aviv
Ms. Marcela Maria Arias Moncada, Minister Counsellor to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Honduras to the UN in Geneva mission@hondurasginebra.ch 41 22 710 07 60 Avenue de France 23
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 710 07 66
INDIA H.E. Mrs. Ruchira Kamboj, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of India to the UN in NY india.newyorkpmi@mea.gov.in 212-490-9660
235 East 43rd Street
New York, NY 10017
Fax 212-490-9656
– Judge sits on the ICJ Ratification
H.E. Ms. Priyanka Chauhan, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of India to the UN at Geneva india.geneva@mea.gov.in 41 22 717 06 00 Avenue Appia 21
1292 Chambesy
Fax +41 22 717 06 03
IRAN* H.E. Mr. Amir Saeid Jalil Iravani, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Replubic of Iran in New York Iranunny@mfa.gov.ir 212-687-2020 Fax 212-867-7086
622 Third Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide (President Ebrahim Raisi)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Ali Bahreini, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN in Geneva missionofiran@gmail.com


41 22 332 21 00 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28
1209 Geneva
IRAQ* H.E. Mr. Mohammed Hussein Bahr Aluloom, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the UN in NY ambassador@iraqimission.us


212-737-4433 14 East 79th Street
New York, NY 10075
*Called it genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Abdul-Karim Hashim Mostafa. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the UN in Geneva orgs.genpm@mofa.gov.iq


41 22 918 09 80 Impasse Colombelle 8
1218 Grand-SaconnexFax Number
+41 22 733 03 26
IRELAND* H.E. Mr. Fergal Mythen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the UN in New York newyorkpmun@dfa.ie 212-421-6934 885 Second Avenue, 21st Floor New York, NY 10017 *Called it genocide (many MPs)
– Daly, Barrett, and other reps STRONGLY speak out against genocide & apartheid
– Prime Minister Leo Varadkar condemned Israel for violations of international law
– Ministers have called for visa bans for extremist settlers in the West Bank
– Note regarding MPs: good chance that Ireland may file a Declaration – writers can urge MPs to do this
H.E. Mr. Noel White, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the UN in Geneva genevapmun@dfa.ie 41 22 919 19 50 Rue de Moillebeau 56-58
1209 GenevaCase postale 339
1211 Geneva 19Fax Number
+41 22 733 50 09
Clare Daly*, MEP (Member of European Parliament) clare.daly@europarl.europa.eu 0032 2 28 45580

0033 3 88 1 75580

Parlement Européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
MP Richard Boyd Barrett richard.boydbarrett@oireachtas.ie (01) 230 3020
(01) 618 3449
13 Lower Georges St, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
ITALY H.E. Mr. Maurizio Massari, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Permanent Mission of Italy to UN in NY info.italyun@esteri.it 212-486-9191
Fax 212-486-1036
885 Second Avenue, 49th Floor, New York, NY 10017
– Pope’s recent condemnation of Israel may have had impact? Accession
H.E. Mr. Vincenzo Grassi, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN at Geneva rappoi.ginevra@esteri.it 41 22 918 08 10 Chemin de l’Impératrice 10
1292 Chambésy
Fax +41 22 740 017 15
IVORY COAST (COTE D’IVOIRE) H.E. Mr. Kacou Houadja Léon Adom, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Côte d’Ivoire to the UN cotedivoiremission@yahoo.com 646-649-5061
Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 646-781-9974
800 Second Ave, 5th Fl., New York, NY 10017

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Kouadio Adjoumani, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire to the UN in Geneva info.geneve@diplomatie.gouv.ci 41 22 717 02 50 Route de Ferney 149H
1218 Grand-Saconnex
P.O. Box 315
1218 Grand-SaconnexFax Number
+41 22 717 02 60
JAMAICA H.E. Mr. Brian Christopher Manley Wallace, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the UN in NY info@prunjamaica-ny.org


212-935-7509 767 Third Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Fax 212-935-7607
– Judge sits on the ICJ Accession
Ms. Tyesha Turner, Minister to the Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the UN in Geneva info@jamaicamission.ch 41 22 908 07 60 Avenue de France 23
1202 GenevaFax +41 22 738 44 20
JORDAN* Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi mofa@fm.gov.jo (+962-6)-5735160-5735150 Fax (+962-6)-5733176 *Called it genocide (Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Cut diplomatic ties w/ Israel & recalled Ambassadors from Tel Aviv.
– Allegedly planning to file with ICJ against Israel – push them to do so.
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Daifallah Hmoud, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the UN in New York missionun@jordanmissionun.com 212-832-9553 Fax 212-832-5346
866 Second Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017
H.E. Mr. Walid Khalid Abdullah Obeidat, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the UN at Geneva info@jordanmission.ch 41 22 748 20 00 Rue de Vermont 37-39
1202 Geneva
P.O. Box 84
1211 Geneva 20Fax Number
+41 22 748 20 01
KAZAKHSTAN H.E. Mr. Akan Rakhmetullin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN unkazmission@gmail.com 212-230-1900 Fax 212-230-1172; 212-446-6782
3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 305 East 47th Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Yerlan Alimbayev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN in Geneva mission@kazakhstan-geneva.ch 41 22 788 66 00
+41 22 788 66 04
Chemin du Prunier 16
1218 Grand-Saconnex
KUWAIT* H.E. Mr. Tareq M. A. M. Albanai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the State of Kuwait to the United Nations kuwait@kuwaitmissionun.org 212-973-4300 Fax 212-370-1733
321 East 44th Street, New York, NY 10017
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Highly critical of Israel
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Naser Abdullah H.M. Alhayen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the State of Kuwait to the UN in Geneva info@kuwaitmission.ch 41 22 918 01 00 Avenue de l’Ariana 2
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 740 21 55
KYRGYZSTAN H.E. Mrs. Aida Kasymalieva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN Kyrgyzstan.un.ny@mfa.gov.kg 212-486-4214
Fax 212-486-5259
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 477, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Omar Sultanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN in Geneva kyrgyzmission@bluewin.ch `41 22 707 92 20 Avenue Blanc 51 (3rd Floor)
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 707 92 21
LEBANON* Ms. Jean Mrad, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the UN contact@lebanonun.org 212-355-5460 866 United Nations Plaza, Room 531-533, New York, NY 10017 *Called it genocide (“worse than World War II”)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Filed war crime complaint against Israel for killing of Lebanese civilians (FM Abdulla Bou Habib)
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Salim Baddoura, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Lebanese Republic to the UN in Geneva lebanon@lebmissiongva.org 41 22 791 85 85 Chemin du Pavillon 2 – Bât A
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Fax Number
+41 22 791 85 80
LIBYA* H.E. Mr. Taher M. T. Elsonni, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the State of Libya to the UN in NY mission@libya-un.gov.ly 212-752-5775 Fax 212-593-4787
309-315 East 48th Street New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Strong stance by PM Abdul Hamid Dbeibah pushing for Arab world to stop Israeli aggression
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Ms. Lamia Fathi Abusedra, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the State of Libya to the UN at Geneva mission.libye@bluewin.ch 41 22 959 89 00 Rue de Richemont 25
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 959 89 10
MALDIVES H.E. Ms. Thilmeeza Hussain, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldives to the UN info@maldivesmission.com 212-599-6194
Fax 212-661-6405
801 Second Avenue, Suite 202, New York, NY 10017
– Has expressed solidarity with Palestine
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Ms. Maryam Fathika Fayaz, Second Secretary and Chargée d’affaires a.i.; Mrs. Hawla Ahmed Didi,
Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldives to the UN in Geneva
info@MaldivesMission.ch 41 22 552 37 77 Rue de Varembé 7 (4 th Floor)
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 732 63 39
MALI H.E. Mr. Issa Konfourou, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mali to the UN miperma@malionu.com 212-737-4150
Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-472-3778
111 E. 69th Street, New York, NY 10021

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Tounkara, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mali to the UN in Geneva info@missionmali.ch 41 22 710 09 60
+41 22 710 09 66
International Centre Cointrin (ICC), Route de Pré-Bois 20, Bloc G (1st Floor)
1215 Geneva 15
P.O. Box 1814
1215 Geneva 15Fax Number
+41 22 710 09 69
MOZAMBIQUE H.E. Mr. Pedro Comissário Afonso, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mozambique to the UN mozambique.unmission@gmail.com 212-644-6800
Fax 212-644-5972; 212-644-0528
420 East 50th Street New York, NY 10022
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Amadeu Paulo Samuel Da Conceição, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mozambique to the UN in Geneva mission.mozambique@bluewin.ch 41 22570 24 00 Chemin Camille-Vidart, 17 (2nd floor)
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 570 24 19
NAMIBIA* H.E. Mr. Neville Melvin Gertze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia to the UN info@namibiaunmission.org 212-685-2003 Fax 212-685-1561
135 East 36th Street, New York, NY 10016
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mrs. Julia Imene-Chanduru, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia to the UN in Geneva info@missionofnamibia.ch 41 22 733 02 20 Allée David-Morse 8
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 734 49 07
NICARAGUA’ H.E. Mr. Jaime Hermida Castillo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the UN in NY nicaraguaunny@yahoo.com 212-490-7997 Language of correspondence = SPANISH

820 Second Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Fax 212-286-0815

H.E. Ms. Rosalia Concepción Bohorquez Palacios, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the UN in Geneva embajada.ginebra@cancilleria.gob.ni 41 22 740 51 60 Rue de Vermont 37-39
1202 Geneva, SwitzerlandFax +41 22 734 65 85
NIGERIA H.E. Mr. Tijjani Muhammad Bande, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN permny@nigeriaunmission.org 212-953-9130 Fax 212-697-1970; 212-697-0647
828 Second Ave, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Abiodun Richards Adejola, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the UN in Geneva info@nigerian-mission.ch 41 22 730 14 14 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28A
1209 Geneva
P.O. Box 2571
1209 GenevaFax +41 22 734 10 53
NORWAY H.E. Ms. Mona Juul, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN delun@mfa.no 646-430-7510 One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 35th Floor, New York, NY 10017 – Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt has condemned Israel’s blockade and devastation to civilians, concerns about violations of international law Ratification
H.E. Mr. Tormod C. Endresen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN in Geneva del-un.geneva@mfa.no 41 22 918 04 00 Avenue de Budé 35 bis
1211 Geneva 19
P.O. Box 264
1211 Geneva 19Fax Number
+41 22 918 04 01
PAKISTAN* H.E. Mr. Munir Akram, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN in New York pakistan@pakun.org 212-879-8600 Fax 212-744-7348
Pakistan House, 8 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
*Called it genocide (UN Ambassador Munir Akram, FM Jalil Abbas Jilani)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Bilal Ahmad, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the UN in Geneva mission@pakungeneva.pk 41 22 749 19 30
+41 22 749 19 43
Rue de Moillebeau 56
1211 Geneva 19
P.O. Box 434
1209 Geneva 19Fax +41 22 734 80 85
PALESTINE* H.E. Mr. Riyad H. Mansour, Ambassador to the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations admin@palestinemissionun.org Fax 212-517-2377
115 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10021
*Called it genocide (Abbas)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Khraishi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the UN in Geneva palestine.un@bluewin.ch 41 22 796 76 60 Avenue Edmond-Vaucher 10 A
1203 Geneva
P.O. Box 236
1211 Geneva 28Fax +41 22 796 78 60
Mr. Husam Zomlot, Ambassador and Head of Mission of Palestine to the UK info@palmissionuk.org


44 (0) 20 8563 0008 Contact form: https://palmissionuk.org/about-us/contact-us/

5 Galena Rd, Hammersmith, London, United Kingdom, W6 0LT

RUSSIA H.E. Mr. Vassily A. Nebenzia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in NY press@russiaun.ru 212-861-4900
Fax 212-628-0252
212-517-7427136 East 67th Street, New York, NY 10065
– Cited in SA ICJ application as BRICS member who met to discuss the genocide on 11/21/23
– Condemns civilian deaths in Gaza, supports Palestinian state
– Russian Judge sits on ICJ
Ratification (as Soviet Union)
H.E. Mr. Gennady Gatilov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in Geneva mission.russian@vtxnet.ch 41 22 733 18 70
+41 22 733 82 37
+41 22 734 66 30
Avenue de la Paix 15
1211 Geneva 20Fax +41 22 734 40 44
SAUDI ARABIA* H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz M. Alwasil, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the UN correspondence@ksamission-gov.net 212-557-1525 Fax 212-983-4895
809 United Nations Plaza, 10th/11th Floors, New York, NY 10017
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Abdulmohsen Majed Bin Khothaila, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the UN in Geneva gassgemi@mofa.gov.sa


41 22 770 07 00 Route de Lausanne 263
1292 ChambésyFax +41 22 758 00 00
SENEGAL H.E. Mr. Cheikh Niang, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Senegal to the UN senegal.mission@yahoo.fr 212-517-9030
212-517-3032 – MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Coly Seck, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Senegal to the UN in Geneva mission.senegal.gva@bluewin.ch 41 22 918 02 30
+41 22 918 02 45
+41 22 918 02 36
International Centre Cointrin (ICC), Route de Pré-Bois 20, Bâtiment H, 4th Floor / Case postale 1815
1215 Genève 15Fax +41 22 740 07 11
SLOVAKIA H.E. Mr. Michal Mlynár, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the UN in NY un.newyork@mzv.sk 212-286-8880 (General)

212-286-8476 (Permanent Representative’s Office)

801 Second Avenue, 12th Floor New York, NY 10017

Fax 212-286-8419

– Has judge appointed to the ICJ Ratification
H.E. Mr. Dušan Matulay, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the UN in Geneva pm.geneva@mzv.sk 41 22 747 74 00 Chemin de l’Ancienne-Route 9
1218 Grand-Saconnex
P.O. Box 160, 1218 Grand-Saconnex
Fax +41 22 747 74 34
SOUTH AFRICA* President Cyril Ramaphosa* president@presidency.gov.za


27 12 308 5204 *Invoked Genocide Convention against Israel at the ICJ on Dec. 29, 2023. Please thank them.

– Embassy of SA in the Hague made referral to ICC for genocide on 11/17/23
– Called meeting with BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, SA) over genocide on 11/21/23
– Has severed relations with Israel, recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv.
– Pledged solidarity with Palestine
– Persecuting nationals who go to serve in IDF for war crimes

Spokesperson to the President, Vincent Magwenya VincentM@presidency.gov.za 27 12 308 5204
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Naledi Pandor* minister@foreign.gov.za 212-692-2421
H.E. Ms. Mathu Joyini, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of South Africa to the UN in New York pmun.newyork@dirco.gov.za 212-692-2421 845 Third Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10022
H.E. Mr. Mxolisi Nkosi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the UN in Geneva mission@safricaun.ch 41 76 698 26 84
SPAIN* H.E. Mr. Augustin Santos Maraver, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Spain to the UN in New York Rep.nuevayorkonu@maec.es 212-661-1050 Fax 212-557-7025
One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 245 East 47th Street, 36th Floor, New York, NY 10017
*Called genocide by Ione Belarra (who was forced to resign unfortunately)
– Sympathetic to Palestinians; PM Sanchez has been highly critical of Israel for violations of international war
H.E. Mrs. Aurora Díaz-Rato Revuelta, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of Spain to the UN in Geneva rep.ginebraoi@maec.es 41 22 909 28 30 Avenue Blanc 53
1202 Geneva
P.O. Box 201
1211 Geneva 20Fax +41 22 731 53 70
Ione Belarra (Former Minister of Social Justice) ione.belarra@congreso.es
UN Association of Spain https://anue.org/en/contact-us/ 34 933 013 990 Via Laietana, 51, entl. 3
08003 Barcelona
Fax: +34 933 175 768
SRI LANKA H.E. Mr. Peter Mohan Maithri Pieris, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the UN prun.newyork@mfa.gov.lk


212-986-7040 Fax 212-986-1838
820 Second Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10017
– Has voted in support of Palestine in nearly all resolutions brought to the UN Accession
H.E. Mrs. Himalee Subhashini Arunatilaka, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva prun.geneva@mfa.gov.lk 41 22 919 12 50 Rue de Moillebeau 56 (5th Floor)
1211 Geneva 19
P.O. Box 436
1211 Geneva 19Fax +41 22 734 90 84
SUDAN H.E. Mr. Al-Harith Idriss Al-Harith Mohamed, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Sudan to the UN sudan@sudanmission.org 212-573-6033 Fax 212-573-6033
305 East 47th Street, 3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Hassan Hamid Hassan, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Sudan to the UN in Geneva mission@sudanmission.ch 022 731 26 63 / 66 53 Avenue Blanc (3rd floor)
1202 Geneva
SYRIA* H.E. Mr. Bassam Sabbagh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations syrianmission-ny@sar-un.org 212-661-1313 Fax 212-983-4439
820 Second Ave, 15th Fl., New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Al-Hakam Dandi (AKA Dr. Alhakam Dandy) has been highly critical of Israel
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Haydar Ali Ahmad, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the UN in Geneva missionsyria@bluewin.ch 41 22 715 45 60 International Centre Cointrin (ICC), Bloc D (7th Floor), Route de Pré-Bois 20
1215 Geneva 15
P.O. Box 1903
1215 Geneva 15Fax +41 22 738 42 75
TAJIKISTAN H.E. Mr. Jonibek Ismoil Hikmat, Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN tajikistanunmission@gmail.com 212-207-3315 Fax 212-207-3855
228 East, 45th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Sharaf Sheralizoda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN in Geneva tajikistanmission@bluewin.ch 41 22 734 11 40 Chemin William Barbey 37
1292 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 734 11 58
TOGO Mr. Koffi Akakpo, First Counsellor for the Permanent Mission of Togo to the UN togo.mission@togounmission.org 212-490-3455
Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-983-6684
600 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016

– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Yackoley Kokou Johnson, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Togolese Republic to the UN in Geneva info@mission-togo.ch 41 22 566 83 00 Rue de Lausanne 67-69 (2nd Floor)
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 566 83 05
TUNISIA* H.E. Mr. Tarek Ladeb, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the UN tunisiaproffice@gmail.com


Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-986-1620 (general); 212-986-1650 (Ambassador’s Office)
31 Beekman Place, New York, NY 10022

– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Sabri Bachtobji, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the UN in Geneva at.geneve@diplomatie.gov.tn 41 22 749 15 50 Rue de Moillebeau 58
1211 Geneva 19
P.O. Box 262
1211 Geneva 19Fax +41 22 734 06 63
TÜRKIYE* H.E. Mr. Feridun Hadi Sinirlioğlu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary the the Permanent Mission of Turkiye to the UN in NY tr-delegation.newyork@mfa.gov.tr 212-949-0150 Fax: 212-949-0086
821 United Nations Plaza, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide (President Tayyip Erdogan)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– Recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv
– Instituted national BDS actions
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Güven Begeç, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Türkiye to the UN at Geneva turkiye.unog@mfa.gov.tr 41 22 918 50 80 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28B
1211 Geneva 19
P.O. Box 261
1211 Geneva 19Fax +41 22 734 08 59
UGANDA H.E. Mr. Adonia Ayebare, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda to the UN admin@ugandaunny.com 212-949-0110
Fax 212-687-4517
336 E. 45th Street, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
H.E. Mr. Marcel Robert Tibaleka, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda to the UN at Geneva chancery@ugandamission.ch 41 22 339 88 10 Rue de Vermont 37-39 (3 floor)
1202 GenevaFax +41 22 340 70 30
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE)* H.E. Mrs. Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the UN nyunprm@mofaic.gov.ae


212-371-0480 Fax 212-371-4923
315 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Jamal Jama Al Musharakh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the UN in Geneva genevaunprm@mofaic.gov.ae 41 22 918 00 00 Rue de Moillebeau 56
1209 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 734 55 62
UNITED KINGDOM* H.E. Dame Barbara Woodward, DCMG, OBE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the UN ukmissionny@gmail.com 212-745-9200 One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza 885 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017 *Called genocide by MP Claudia Webbe, MP Jeremy Corbyn, and others
– MP Webbe filed complaint with ICC against Israel’s for genocide and crimes against humanity on 12/14
– Note regarding MPs: While UK is unlikely to file a declaration, we can encourage MPs to advocate, vocalize support for SA submission, and work with other countries to back up South Africa using Sam’s draft letter.
H.E. Mr. Simon Manley, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the UN in Geneva geneva.un@fco.gov.uk 41 22 918 23 00 Avenue Louis Casaï 58
1216 Cointrin
P.O. Box 6
1218 Grand-Saconnex – GEFax +41 22 918 23 10
+41 22 918 23 10 (Général)
MP Jeremy Corbyn* jeremy.corbyn.mp@parliament.uk 020 7219 3545
MP Claudia Webbe* claudia.webbe.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 3000
MP Paula Barker paula.barker.mp@parliament.uk 0151 724 5767
MP Andy Slaughter slaughtera@parliament.uk



020 7610 1950
020 7219 4990
020 7610 1950
Fax 020 7381 5074
MP Yasmin Qureshi yasmin.qureshi.mp@parliament.uk 020 7219 7019
01204 371202
MP Rachel Hopkins rachel.hopkins.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 8424
MP Sarah Owen sarah.owen.mp@parliament.uk 020 7219 8409
01582 488208
MP Afzal Khan afzal.khan.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 3570
0161 226 5546
MP Naz Shah naz.shah.mp@parliament.uk 020 7219 8603
01274 725171
MP Mary Kelly Foy mary.foy.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 3000
0191 374 1915
MP Dan Carden dan.carden.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 6236
MP Jess Phillips jess.phillips.mp@parliament.uk 020 7219 8703
0121 708 2412
MP Caroline Lucas caroline.lucas.mp@parliament.uk


020 7219 7025
MP Zarah Sultana* zarah.sultana.mp@parliament.uk


0207 219 8079
0207 219 8079
MP Richard Burgon richard@richardburgon.com 020 7219 5980
0113 232 3266
MP Nadia Whittome nadia.whittome.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 3000
0115 6971757
MP John McDonnell mcdonnellj@parliament.uk 0207 219 4100
020 8569 0010
MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy bell.ribeiroaddy.mp@parliament.uk 0207 219 6695
UNITED STATES H.E. Mrs. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States Mission to the UN in NY usun.newyork@state.gov 212-415-4000 799 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 – Risk of entering a Declaration in favor of Israel- very important to advocate and voice public support for South Africa’s submission to prevent this! Ratification
H.E. Mrs. Bathsheba N. Crocker, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the UN in Geneva GenevaUSmission@state.gov 41 22 749 41 11 Route de Pregny 11
1292 ChambésyFax +41 22 749 48 80
UZBEKISTAN H.E. Mr. Bakhtiyor Ibragimov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the UN uzbekistan.un@gmail.com 212-486-4242 Fax 212-486-7998
630 Third Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Accession
Mr. Askar Mirsaidov, Counsellor and Chargé d’affaires a.i.; Mr. Berdak Kalmuratov, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the UN in Geneva uzbekistan@bluewin.ch 41 22 799 43 00 11, Chemin Perrault-de-Jotemps
1217 MeyrinFax Number
+41 22 799 43 02
ALGERIA* H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ennadir Larbaoui, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Algeria to the UN in NY algeriamission.ny@gmail.com


212-750-1960 Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-759-9538
326 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017

*Called it genocide (President Abdelmadjid Tebboune)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H Mr. Hakim Bouaziz, Minister-Counsellor for the Permanent Mission of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the UN in Geneva contact@mission-algeria.ch 41 22 959 84 84 Route de Lausanne 308
1293 Bellevue
P.O. Box 60, 1293 BellevueFax +41 22 774 30 49
BAHRAIN’ H.E. Mr. Jamal Fares Alrowaiei, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the UN in NY newyork.mission@mofa.gov.bh 212-223-6200 Fax 212-319-0687, 212-223-6206
866 Second Avenue, 14th and 15th Floors, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide (?)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Cut dipolmatic ties w/ Israel & recalled ambassadors from Tel Aviv.
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Mr. Hasan Moosa Shafaei, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the UN in Geneva info@bahrain-mission.ch 41 22 758 96 40 Avenue Louis-Casaï 84 (1st Floor)
1216 Cointrin
P.O. Box 39, 1292 ChambésyFax +41 22 758 96 50
BANGLADESH* H.E. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the UN bangladesh@un.int


Fax 212-972-4038
820 Second Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Cited in SA ICJ application – made referral for genocide to ICC jointly with Embassy of South Africa in the Hague on 11/17/23
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Mohammad Sufiur Rahman, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the UN in Geneva permanentmission.geneva@mofa.gov.bd 41 22 906 80 20 Rue de Lausanne 65
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 738 46 16
CHINA’ H.E. Mr. Zhang Jun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN in New York chinesemission@yahoo.com 212-655-6100 Fax: 212-634-0042 (general); 212-634-0042 (Permanent Representative’s Office)
350 East 35th Street, New York, NY 10016
– Cited in SA ICJ application as BRICS member who met to discuss the genocide on 11/21/23
– President Xi Jinping called for ceasefire and condemned “collective punishment”, forced eviction, etc
– Allegedly creating bureacratic obstacles on imports of military tech components per Israeli reports
H.E. Mr. Chen Xu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN in Geneva chinamission_gva@mfa.gov.cn 41 22 879 56 78
+41 22 879 56 04 (Administration)
+41 22 879 56 40 (Secretariat-Amb)
Chemin de Surville 11
1213 Petit-LancyFax +41 22 793 7014
INDIA H.E. Mrs. Ruchira Kamboj, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of India to the UN india.newyorkpmi@mea.gov.in 212-490-9660
Fax 212-490-9656
235 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017
– Cited in SA ICJ application as BRICS member who met to discuss the genocide on 11/21/23
H.E. Ms. Priyanka Chauhan, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of India to the UN in Geneva india.geneva@mea.gov.inq 41 22 717 06 00 Avenue Appia 21
1292 ChambesyFax +41 22 717 06 03
MALAYSIA* H.E. Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Faisal bin Muhamad, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mision of Malaysia to the UN in NY mwnewyorkun@kln.gov.my 212-986-6310 Fax 212-490-8576
313 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017
*Called it genocide – strongly condemns Israel for genocide & collective punishment
– Cited in SA ICJ application as referring to genocide or risk thereof in Gaza
– Condemned Israel since 10/7
– Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has banned all Israeli-flagged or headed cargo ships from docking in its ports.
– Has no diplomatic relations with Israel.
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mrs. Dato’ Nadzirah Binti Osman, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the UN in Geneva mwgeneva@kln.gov.my 41 22 710 75 00 International Centre Cointrin (ICC), Bloc A (2nd Floor), Route de Pré-Bois 20
1215 Geneva 15
P.O. Box 1834, 1215 Geneva 15Fax +41 22 710 75 01
MOROCCO* H.E. Mr. Omar Hilale, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to the UN morocco.un@maec.gov.ma 212-421-1580 Language of correspondence = FRENCH

Fax 212-980-1512; 212-421-7826
866 Second Avenue, 6th and 7th Floors, New York, NY 10017

– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita stated “full and unwavering support” for Palestine
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
H.E. Mr. Omar Zniber, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to the UN in Geneva maroc.ge@maec.gov.ma 41 22 791 81 81 Chemin François-Lehmann 18A
1218 Grand-SaconnexFax +41 22 791 81 80
VENEZUELA* H.E. Mr. Samuel Moncada, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the UN in New York misionvenezuelaonu@gmail.com 646-559-4952 335 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017 *Called it genocide (President Nicolas Maduro)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as describing Palestinian genocide
H.E. Mr. Héctor Constant Rosales, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the UN in Geneva mission.venezuela@onuginebra.gob.ve 41 22 717 09 40
+41 22 717 09 42
+41 22 717 09 44
Chemin François-Lehmann 18A
1218 Grand-Saconnex
P.O.Box 144, 1218 Grand-SaconnexFax 41 22 723 28 81
President Nicolas Maduro* correo@presidencia.gob.ve 34 91 379 97 00
91 379 97 00
Final Avenida Urdaneta
Esq. de Bolero, Palacio de Miraflores
Caracas, Distrito Capital
Yoimara Aurimar Meléndez Moro, Director General of the Office of Consular Affairs relaciones.consulares@mppre.gob.ve


58 (212) 8064449 Further details:
YEMEN* H.E. Mr. Abdulla Ali Fadhel Al-Saadi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen to the UN in NY
H.E. Mr. Mohamed Taha Mustafa, Ambassador; Advisor
Mrs. Sena Omar Husein Ambool
yemenmissionny@gmail.com 212-355-1730
413 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022 *Called it genocide (Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed on 10/20, Parliament on 12/23)
– Cited in SA ICJ application as rmember of Arab Group of UN who described collective punisment and genocide of Palestinian people
– Parliament called on Arab and Islamic parliaments to boycott the Israeli regime and its backers politically and economically, as well as to expel Israeli envoys
– MEMBER, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Mr. Mahmood Moqbel Muthanna Saleh, Counsellor, Military Adviser Ext. 58
H.E. Mr. Ali Mohamed Saeed Majawar, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen to the UN in Geneva geneva@mofa-ye.org 41 22 799 05 10 Chemin du Jonc 19
1218 Grand-SaconnexFax 41 22 798 04 65
– Strong ties to Israel, but voted for UN ceasefire; PMs and MPs may help with wider efforts. No reservations on Article 9.
AUSTRALIA* H.E. Mr. Mitchell Fifield, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN australiamissionun@gmail.com 212-351-6600 Fax 212-351-6610
150 East 42nd Street, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10017
– Green Party and Socialist Equality Party strongly condemn Israel, called it genocide, have organized and staged walk-outs in Senate
– PM Anthony Albanese issued a joint statement for sustained ceasefire with CA and NZ on 12/12/23
– Australian lawyers are persecuting nationals fighting in IDF for war crimes
H.E. Ms. Amanda Gorely, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN in Geneva un.geneva@dfat.gov.au 41 22 799 91 00 Chemin des Fins 2
1218 Grand-Saconnex
P. O. Box 102
1211 Geneva 19Fax +41 22 799 91 75
Honorable Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister Contact Form – https://www.pm.gov.au/contact Parliament House
Socialist Equality Party (SEP)* Contact form – http://www.sep.org.au/website/contact/
Chery Crisp*, National Secretary for the Socialist Equality Party sep@sep.org.au Suite 906, 185 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, AU
Green Party* greens@greens.org.au 02 6140 3217
1800 017 011
PO Box 1108, Canberra ACT 2601
CANADA H.E. Mr. Robert Keith Rae, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN in NY canada.un@international.gc.ca 212-848-1100
Fax 212-848-1195
466 Lexington Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10017
– PM Justin Trudeau issued a joint statement for sustained ceasefire with AU and NZ on 12/12/23
– MP Healther McPherson said Israel is ‘destroying an entire population’
– Risk of entering a Declaration in favor of Israel- very important to advocate and voice public support for South Africa’s submission to prevent this!
H.E. Ms. Leslie E. Norton, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN in Geneva genev-gr@international.gc.ca 41 22 919 92 00 Avenue de l’Ariana 5
1202 GenevaFax Number
+41 22 919 92 27
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Contact form – https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/connect/contact Fax: 613-941-6900
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
MP Healther McPherson Heather.McPherson@parl.gc.ca 613-995-7325
Fax: 613-995-5342; 780-495-8403
10045 – 81st Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 1W7
NEW ZEALAND* H.E. Ms. Carolyn Schwalger, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the UN nzpmun@gmail.com 212-826-1960 Fax 212-758-0827
600 Third Ave., 14th Fl., New York, NY 10016
– Green Party and Te Pāti Māori called it genocide, as did Labour Party MP Damien O’Connor
– PM Chris Luxon issued a joint statement for sustained ceasefire with CA and NZ on 12/12/23
– Parliament passed motion calling for urgent ceasefire on 12/8/23
– Former PM Clark has cited Israel’s 
‘clear violations of international humanitarian law’; can call for NZ to take action at ICJ
H.E. Mrs. Anna Louise Duncan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Permanent Missions of New Zealand to the UN in Geneva mission.nz@bluewin.ch 41 22 929 03 50 Chemin des Fins 2
1218 Grand-Saconnex
P.O. Box 334
1211 Geneva 19Fax +41 22 929 03 74
Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz Int’l calls: +64 4 817 9999
NZ: 0800 7273 6282
Private Bag 18888, Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160, NZ
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark Contact form: https://www.helenclarknz.com/contact
Te Pāti Māori (Māori Party) Contact form: https://www.maoriparty.org.nz/contact
MP Debbie Ngarewa-Packer (Te Pāti Māori) Debbie.Ngarewa-Packer@parliament.govt.nz 0800 7273 6282 Private Bag 18888, Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160, NZ
Green Party green.party@parliament.govt.nz


04-801 5102
04-817 6760
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Level 5, 108 The Terrace, Wellington
PO Box 32, Wellington 6140, New ZealandParliamentary Office
Parliament House, 1 Museum St.
Pipitea, Wellington,
New Zealand
Golriz Ghahraman (Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson) Golriz.Ghahraman@parliament.govt.nz 0800 7273 6282
+64 4 817 9999
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160, New Zealand
MP Chlöe Swarbrick. (Green Party) Chloe.Swarbrick@parliament.govt.nz (09) 378 4810
+64 4 817 9999
76 Karangahape Road
Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, NZ
MP Damien O’Connor (Labour Party) Damien.O’Connor@parliament.govt.nz 0800 7273 6282
+64 4 817 9999
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160, New Zealand



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