'Cartogrophy of Darkness' is a transclusive, collective research platform dedicated to exploring universalisms and the unity of knowledge in our highly obfuscated, crisis-ridden age. The platform is comprised of a triad of spaces: a map, a repository and a periodical.

«خريطة الظّلام» هي منصّة بحثيّة تشاركيّة تستقصي مفاهيم العالميّة والاتحاد المعرفي من منطلق الزمكانيّة الآنية، المتأزمة والمبهمة. تتكون المنصّة من ثلاثيّة حيزيّة تضمُّ خريطة وحاوية وسلسلة.

☄︎ ⚭ The Temporalities of Resistance ⚭

⚭ زمانيات المقاومة ⚭


7 March 2024


Sanabel Abdelrahman, Zoé Samudzi, Sulti, The Ante Dote and moderated by Khyam Allami
سنابل عبد الرحمان، زوي سامودسي، سلطي وذي آنتي دوت بإدارة خيام اللّامي

Some time during 2024 when the Sun conjuncted Pluto in Aquarius while Jupiter and Uranus were on the midheaven in Taurus, AATMA عتمة  organized a 12-hour long trans-generational assembly in Berlin called امتى AMTAA . Dedicated to communal solace, collective unlearning and transformative regeneration, امتى AMTAA conjoined 4 interconnected spaces open from 7 PM till 7 AM, offering food, films, panels, live music, DJ & A/V sets, spaces for condolence and collective rest, as well as, an undisclosed programme of disruptive interludes, mawawil, performances and incomputable surprise. Looking at the draconian, repressive climate in Germany that attempts to terrorise, silence and police solidarity with Palestine, the assembly was held at a secret time and location and communicated steganographically in a peer-to-peer + collective-to-collective manner.


Below, we share with you the recording of “The Temporalities of Resistance”, a panel that took place at “The Square” space in AMTAA امتى.  The panel orbits concepts of time in the praxis of resistance, bringing together the following speakers:

Sanabel Abdelrahman
Palestinian writer and literary scholar currently focused on how Palestinian magical realism resists the ongoing Nakba and envisions liberation
Zoé Samudzi
Zimbabwean scholar, art critic and associate editor of ‘Parapraxis magazine’ whose work is primarily concerned with German imperialism, the Ovaherero and Nama genocide and its afterlives, and settler colonialism in southern Africa
Kurdish non-binary activist who is active in struggles for freedom of movement and climate justice
The Ante Dote
UK artist of South African descent and member of the hardcore band The Union Black
Khyam Allami (moderator)
Iraqi musician, composer and researcher focused on anti-colonial approaches to sonic technologies and transcultural creative praxis

On one side of the cuboid room of “The Square” that hosted the discussion, a serene sight from the Palestinian side of the Mediterranean Sea was projected and on another, a soothing streambed view from the Jordanian River was screened. Those present sat, stood, rested and listened in between. AATMA عتمة wholeheartedly thanks all those who shared this endearing space with us and made it possible during these dark times.

Free Palestine! We demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a transformative world politics committed to decolonization in Palestine and everywhere!




مولد كهربائي
