☄︎ July 2020
☄︎ تموز ٢٠٢٠

In addition to the ‘July 2020’ EP, we have invited Lebanese electronic music producer and sound practitioner Omar Itani to contribute to the Map with an audio walk comprised of seven continuous parts. Stretching from Geitwai, to Manara and the Naval Army Base before it returns back to where it started, Itani’s audio walk records the sound of private electricity generators underscoring the dark city of Beirut. Herein, the literally exhausting loop of everyday, electric dispossession is traced, registered and relayed as a soundtrack of our failing, energicidal infrastructure. The recordings were taken in February 2023, and they are available for re-use and circulation under a Creative Commons License, V4.
Soundscapes of Beirut during July 2020’s electricity crisis.
أصوات من بيروت في أزمة كهرباء